Did you know that your own fat has the best source of growth factors and stem cells for tissue healing? According to the world physician experts who presented recently at the San Diego Academy of Regenerative Therapies (SDART) 3rd annual conference, fat is far better than dermal filler for all cosmetic applications and is the best healer of joints when combined with your own platelet rich plasma (PRP).+
Fat harvesting in the office
Autologous fat transfer is a two-part procedure. Fat is harvested from body areas such as your abdomen, hips, thighs, or back by a “mini” liposuction technique. Everyone has a pocket of fat somewhere on their body. Then, your fat is processed and re-injected where you need it.
Sounds painful, however, all that is needed is local anesthesia using the tumescent infiltration technique. To begin the tumescent anesthesia technique, an entry point is area is created where it is first numbed by injecting buffered lidocaine with epinephrine through a tiny needle, so pain is very minimal. Once numbed, the entry port is created using a 16- or 18-gauge needle so blunt tip infiltrator canula can be introduced, and large amounts of the tumescent anesthesia fluid is gently distributed all throughout the area of fat to be harvested. This also helps soft and prepare the fat to be harvested after a 20-minute wait time for the anesthesia to take effect.
Now the fat area is completely numbed and the blunt tip harvester cannula can fit through that same entry port into your soft fat below. Only then does the doctor go to work moving this specialized cannula back and forth under constant suction in a small fan-like pattern, slowly collecting liquified fat.

While you wait, your collected fat, has to be cleansed from the oils and also the liquid anesthesia that is mixed in the initial sample. This occurs by placing the syringe upright while the separation occurs by simple gravity effect. The tumescent anesthesia fluid is drained off from below, and the oils (with no cells or growth factors) is pushed off the top. Now you will have “structural fat.”