Stroke-preventing Nutrients

Stroke-preventing Nutrients

Stroke-preventing Nutrients

Stroke-preventing Nutrients

In this final stroke report I want to discuss nutrients proven to reduce the development of cerebrovascular disease. These are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and other nutrient supplements.

The stroke-preventing foods

To function well, your brain needs the omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. The omega 3 fats are most anti-inflammatory and build healthy brain and nerve tissue. Foods highest in omega-3 oils are wild fish/sea food and plant oils such as avocado oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, hemp oil, flaxseed oil.

Also, your brain thrives on nutrients from raw whole foods and produce (fresh, frozen, steamed).

Raw foods slow the process of inflammation in your body according to a study by the late Swiss doctor, Paul Kouchakoff, M.D. His scientific paper was entitled, The Influence of Food Cooking on the Blood Formula of Man and was presented in Paris at the First International Congress of Microbiology in 1930.[1] In this work, Dr. Kouchakoff showed that with eating cooked food, the human body has a white blood cell (leukocytosis) reaction much like in a bacterial or viral infection. Moreover, he showed that this inflammatory (leukocytosis) reaction also occurs when we ingest foods that are manufactured, processed, or have chemical preservatives or dyes added. However, when humans ate raw foods there were no leukocytosis reactions detected! Think of the constant inflammation we are causing to our brains by eating cooked and processed foods day in and day out.

How can you get 50% or more of your meal as raw food? Well, start with raw fruits and raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. This is a huge category of food! Add fresh juiced fruits and vegetables. Add raw dairy to your diet such as kefir, plain yogurt, goat milk and feta cheese. Nut milks are also raw foods. Make fruit and nut smoothies for meals or desserts. Graze on nuts and seeds as raw food snacks. Salsa works great for snacks on chips. Use the nutrient concentration chart (below) when designing a meal. These act as “cleansing foods” to reduce unwanted metabolic byproducts that get stored in fat cells, including nerve tissue and throughout your body.

Super foods are considered to have the highest complete protein, anti-oxidant activity, mineral content and overall best healing and disease-reversing ability. Here are many to consider:

  • Turmeric (curcumin) is antitumor, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

  • Wild salmon: one of the best sources of omega-3 oil

  • Cacao beans/powder: not processed cocoa or chocolate powders

  • Matcha (green tea powder) is highest in EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)

  • Acai and blueberries: highest in ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)[2]

  • Coffee: regular coffee consumption has been shown in several studies to reduce dementia because of its antioxidant value

  • Black Currants: high in vitamin C and in gammalineolic acid.

  • Grape juice contains resveratrol, responsible for increasing brain dopamine

  • Apples contain flavonoids (e.g. quercetin), antioxidant that are neuroprotective

  • Leafy green vegetables: chlorophyll, anti-oxidants, other micronutrients

  • Avocados: omega 3 oil content

  • Gojiberry (wolfberry): high ORAC value

  • Marine phytoplankton: its chlorophyll enhances mental clarity and memory

  • Allum family (Garlic, Onions, Chives, Leeks, Shallots, Scallions): contain flavonoids known to promote glutathione and reduce Alzheimer's disease risk. Here is a quick list of other brain building foods: bananas, brewer's yeast, broccoli, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, feta cheese, chicken, collard greens/romaine lettuce, eggs, flaxseed oil, legumes, oatmeal, oranges, peanut butter, peas, soybeans, spinach, tuna, turkey, wheat germ, and plain yogurt.

Contrast, anyone with stroke or neurodegenerative disorder risk must stay away from these foods: excessive alcohol, artificial food colorings, artificial sweeteners, sodas and high-sugar drinks, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup, candies, cakes, cookies, pies, hydrogenated fats; white bread; and tobacco. Stroke-preventing nutrient supplements These are powerful nutrients that reduce stroke risk:

  • Nattokinase is a potent fibrin inhibitor that reduces arterial blood clots

  • Coenzyme Q10 is the spark that ignites the formation of ATP in the cell’s mitochondria. Stroke prevention dose is 100 mg, treatment dose 200-400 mg/day

  • Alpha lipoic Acid boosts the levels of the endogenous antioxidant, glutathione

  • L-Carnitine enhances mitochondrial production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Stroke prevention dose is 1,000 milligrams three times/day

  • D-Ribose is a sugar-like molecule that enhances CoQ10 and L-Carnitine function

  • Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) has antioxidant properties and a proven history among the Chinese to prevent stroke

  • Quercetin inhibits oxidized LDL-Cholesterol.[3] Quercetin supplementation showed a 73% reduction in stroke risk in one study.[4]

  • Hawthorne berry lowers blood pressure and helps prevent stroke

  • Ginkgo Biloba increases blood flow to brain arterioles and is an antioxidant

  • Garlic is an antioxidant that also reduces arterial plaque development, reduces blood clotting, increases vessel elasticity, lowers fibrinogen levels, lowers cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.[5] Use as a spice in meals or as a capsule

  • Magnesium is best obtained in a high vegetable diet

  • L-Taurine is an amino acid that is found to reduce heart arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) that can contribute to stroke. Stroke-preventing dose is 1000 mg/day

  • L-Lysine at 1000 milligrams daily inhibits lipoprotein-a and slows clotting

  • L-Arginine at 6,000 milligrams daily has been shown to dramatically lower cholesterol and relax blood vessels via the production of nitric oxide

  • EDTA (ethylene diaminetetracetic acid) taken orally or intravenously is well known to open up small blood vessels and allow them to be more elastic

  • Vitamin E 800 to 1600 IU daily provides low grade fibrinolysis (blood thinning)

  • B-complex vitamins, especially B6, B12, and folic acid

  • Policosanol extract made from plant waxes 1-2 times daily can decrease LDL-cholesterol and increase HDL-cholesterol

  • Vinpocetine (from the periwinkle plant) 30 mg daily vasodilates brain vessels, improves memory and concentration

  • Grape seed extract 150 mg daily reduces high blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, helps prevent arterial plaque build-up, and lowers stroke risk.

  • Healthy fats high in omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is anti-inflammatory to nerves

To longevity and feeling good,

Michael Cutler, M.D.

[1] Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. Milwaukee 1, Wisconson
[2] One assay for ORAC scores put blueberries as the highest, followed by black plum, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, sweet cherries, avocado, navel orange, and red grapes in that order. [3] Safari, M. R., et al. Effects of flavonoids on the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein to oxidative modification. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 69(1):73-77, 2003. [4] Rivera, F., et al. Some aspects of the in vivo neuroprotective capacity of flavonoids: bioavailability and structure-activity relationship. Neurotox Res. 6(7-8):543-553, 2004. [5] Michelle H. Loy and Dr. Richard S. Rivlin of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York quoting Nutrition in Clinical Care August 2000;3:145-152.

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